LinkedIn Discussion Group

LinkedIn Discussion Group – Policy, Guidelines, and Terms of Use
Group Admittance Policy
The purpose of the online discussion group of the PA State Association of Boroughs (PSAB) is to promote open discussion among elected and appointed borough officials serving PA communities. Other members of the discussion group may include industry experts who are approved by PSAB.
Only PSAB Business Partners will be admitted to the group, however direct solicitations to members is prohibited. Any violators of the policy will be subject to removal from the group at PSAB's discretion.
Sign Up for the Group
The online discussion group is set up on Linkedin. You will need an account on LinkedIn to join the discussion group. Once you have an account, you can request to join the “PSAB – Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs” group. Note: If your title, borough, or industry is not listed in your LinkedIn profile, please include it in the message request.
You will be asked to review and agree to the policy before being accepted into the group.
By joining the group, you agree to adhere to the terms of use outlined below.
PSAB Policy, Guidelines, and Terms of Use
PSAB will monitor the membership and content on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the terms of use. No comments will constitute a legal opinion. All members must contact their municipal solicitor for legal advice.
Members of the LinkedIn discussion group will be accepted after Association membership status or affiliation is confirmed. Members agree not to conceal their identity to gain access to the group. If your identity and position cannot be confirmed, your invitation to join the group will not be accepted.
PSAB prohibits derogatory, offensive, or inflammatory remarks, pictures, or other information about an individual or group’s race, religion, national origin, physical attributes, gender, disability, sexual orientation, or other protected classification. PSAB will not tolerate the use of vulgar language and/or derogatory comments, pictures, graphics, etc. in relation to your position, the Association, community, or personal affiliations.
Comments deemed to be inappropriate will be deleted immediately by PSAB administrators.
Any material (photos, articles, etc.) posted to this group that are authored by someone else must be given proper editorial attribution as needed. Any person who shares the information is responsible for providing appropriate attribution.
Members should not share confidential or proprietary information.
Advertisements and solicitations about products or services are prohibited.
Any violations of these guidelines will result in termination from the LinkedIn group by PSAB administrators.
For more information, contact Josh Ehrman, Deputy Executive Director, at